The Streptococcus Pair: Health Enhancing Probiotics in Milk Kefir Grains - Part 4 Zoh Probiotics

The Streptococcus Pair: Health Enhancing Probiotics in Milk Kefir Grains - Part 4

Discover the health-enhancing properties of Streptococcus species in milk kefir grains. Unearth their crucial role in probiotic interactions and gut health.

The Power Duo: Streptococcus Species in Milk Kefir

  1. Streptococcus thermophilus (St. thermophilus)

St. thermophilus is more than a microorganism in kefir; it's a health-boosting companion with the following benefits:

  • Digestive Health: This probiotic strain can help improve lactose digestion and reduce symptoms of lactose intolerance, making it particularly valuable for individuals with this condition1.

  • Bone Health: St. thermophilus has been found to improve the absorption of minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, which are vital for bone health2.

  1. Streptococcus paracitrovorus

St. paracitrovorus is lesser-known among kefir's bacterial constituents, and comprehensive research is still needed to understand its specific health benefits. Despite this, its consistent presence in kefir grains points towards a potential functional role in this probiotic community.

Table Summary

Microorganism Key Health Benefits
Streptococcus thermophilus Improves lactose digestion, enhances mineral absorption
Streptococcus paracitrovorus Assumed potential probiotic properties, more research is needed


2.(1) Medellin-Pena, M. J., & Griffiths, M. W. (2009). Effect of molecules secreted by Lactobacillus acidophilus strain La-5 on Escherichia coli O157:H7 colonization. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 75(4), 1165–1172.

2.(2) Scholz-Ahrens, K. E., Ade, P., Marten, B., Weber, P., Timm, W., Acil, Y., ... & Schrezenmeir, J. (2007). Prebiotics, probiotics, and synbiotics affect mineral absorption, bone mineral content, and bone structure. Journal of Nutrition, 137(3), 838S–846S.